Color. Order - Chaos

Elvira Lantenhammer Portrait von Kathrin Heyer

Painting course with Lecturer / Instructor Elvira Lantenhammer

Monday, 20th until Friday, 24th of August 2018
daily 10.00 AM - 5.00 PM
exception: on the first day beginning 11am

Fees: 340.- €
Plus cost of materials by usage



Colour, what is it in order, stucture and form ? How it looks like if colour is absolutely free from any form, from any serving function ? Is the result chaos ?
From imitating of nature to completely free expression with colour … on this way we are gaining a deep view and knowledge of the essence of colour and awareness of the importance of materials: colour mediums, pigments. Within the process to discover the own image conception each student will have my attendance and support. Examples from art history and originals in the studio can motivate and inspire to your steps in your own ästhetic praxis.
We are painting with acrylic on paper and canvas.
Your own painting equipment is wellcome. Everything you need, you can get here.


Elvira Lantenhammer is a german painter and artist
1956 born in Altötting
1976 – 1979 Ausbildung bei Restaurator Martin Zunhamer
1980 – 1986 Study of painting at Academy of Bildenden Künste München
Seit 1998 Initiatorin von Kunst in Schloss Homburg am Main
Seit 1994 diverse Ausstellungen im In- und Ausland
verschiedene Preise, artist-in-residences und Stipendien.
Ihre Werke befinden sich in Museen und bedeutenden Öffentlichen und privaten Sammlungen.

Registration is by phone or e-mail and is mandatory because of the limited number of participants. The course fees are payable in advance, please transfer to
following account
Elvira Lantenhammer  Sparkasse Mainfranken  IBAN DE18 7905 0000 0010 2516 50

Elvira Lantenhammer
Schloss Homburg
97855 Homburg / Triefenstein
Tel.: 09395 / 87 78 88
Mobil: 0174 21 26 890


Photo: Kathrin Heyer